It is impossible to enlarge upon it here; suffice it to say that the mystical and pietistic devotion of our own day, even in the Protestant churches, is nourished on works whose ancestry can be traced, through a series of intermediate links, to the writings of the pseudoAreopagite.
The details of this dispute will be found in the original pamphlets, in the [[Athenaeum]] and in the appendix to De Morgan's Formal Logic. Suffice it to say that the independence of De Morgan's discovery was subsequently recognized by Hamilton.
What constitutes a dress coat may differ from person to person, but suffice it to say that you would wear one with professional outfits or when you're trying to look especially nice while also braving the cold.
The colors available here are too numerous to list, but suffice it to say that you can find everything from a charming paisley print to a sparkling purple cut.
I won't go into it here - suffice it to say that Wells' concept is unworkable for a number of reasons.