The New York College for the Training of Teachers became its Teachers' College of Columbia; a Faculty of Pure Science was added; the Medical School gave up its separate charter to become an integral part of the university; Barnard College became more closely allied with the university; relations were entered into between the university and the General, Union and Jewish theological seminaries of New York City and with Cooper Union, the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts and the American Museum of Natural History; and its faculty and student body became less local in character.
In 1812 they had only one degree-conferring college with a small faculty, a small student body and almost no endowment; in 1906 they had more than Too universities and colleges with endowment and equipment valued at about $30,000,000, and an annual income of about $3,000,000.
It takes place at the end of the lent term and showcases a wealth of talent from the student body and residents of Cambridge.
It takes place at the end of the Lent term and showcases a wealth of talent from the student body and residents of Cambridge.
Research each decade online to decide which one your student body will have the most fun dressing up for.