Stavesacre Definition
A tall, purple-flowered delphinium (Delphinium staphisagria) of Europe and Asia, with poisonous seeds having strongly emetic and cathartic properties.
Webster's New World
The poisonous seeds of this plant, formerly used medicinally especially to kill external parasites such as lice.
American Heritage Medicine
Its seeds.
Webster's New World
Other Word Forms of Stavesacre
stavesacresOrigin of Stavesacre
By folk etymology from Middle English staphisagre from Latin staphis agria from Greek staphis agriā staphis stavesacre agriā feminine of agrios wild agro- in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Latin staphisagria, from Ancient Greek σταφίς (staphis, “grape") ἀγρία (wild, “wild").
From Wiktionary
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