It may be prepared by the lactic fermentation of starches, sugars, gums, &c., the sugar being dissolved in water and acidified by a small quantity of tartaric acid and then fermented by the addition of sour milk, with a little putrid cheese.
Sugars, Starches, Gums, Gelatin, &c. - Although these and allied bodies are used in various ways as remedies, their action is for the most part purely mechanical or dietetic.
Components contributing most to the caries process are fermentable carbohydrates including cooked starches, added or naturally occurring sugars.
Through digestion or with food processing, starches can be partially broken down to smaller chains, called dextrins.
Exp Merigel 113 Instant starches Global Exp Merigel 113 is a highly crosslinked and stabilized pregelatinised waxy maize starch.