The town, with its numerous spires and remains of medieval fortifications, is very picturesque.
Impressive rock spires tower above the turbid waves and plunge to a depth of 130ft.
But unfortunately for Germany the papal chair at this time was occupied by Innocent III., a pope who emulated Hildebrand in ambition and in statesmanship. At first vacillating, but by no means indifferent, Innocent was spurred to action when a number of princes met at Spires in May 1200, declared Philip to be the lawful king, and denied the right of the pope to interfere, lie was also annoyed by Philips attitude with regard to a vacancy in the archbishopric of Cologne, and in March 1201 he declared definitely for Otto.
Between the two flanking towers of the west facade, the spires of which are of the 16th century, rises a central tower of the same period.
Heidelberg is an important railway centre, and is connected by trunk lines with Frankfort, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Spires and Wurzburg.