Soar Definition
soared, soaring, soars
soared, soaring, soars
To reach by soaring.
Webster's New World
To rise or fly high into the air.
Webster's New World
To fly, sail, or glide along high in the air.
Webster's New World
To glide along without engine power, maintaining or gaining altitude on currents of air.
Webster's New World
To rise well above the usual or ordinary level or bounds; be elevated.
Soaring prices, soaring spirits.
Webster's New World
Soaring range or height.
Webster's New World
The act of soaring.
Webster's New World
An upward flight.
Origin of Soar
From French s'essorer (“to soar"), essorer (“to dry (by exposing to the air)"), from Latin ex (“out") + aura (“the air, a breeze"), from Ancient Greek αὔρα (aura, “breath"). Compare aura, and exhale.
From Wiktionary
Middle English soren from Old French essorer from Vulgar Latin exaurāre Latin ex- ex- Latin aura air (from Greek aurā breeze aura)
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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