Snort Definition
snorted, snorting, snorts
A rough, noisy sound made by breathing forcefully through the nostrils, as a horse or pig does.
American Heritage
The act or sound of snorting.
Webster's New World
A quick drink of straight liquor.
Webster's New World
A dose of a drug, esp. cocaine or heroin, that is snorted.
Webster's New World
The liquor or drug so taken.
American Heritage
snorted, snorting, snorts
To breathe noisily and forcefully through the nostrils.
American Heritage
To force breath suddenly and violently through the nostrils so as to make a harsh sound.
Webster's New World
To express anger, contempt, or the like by a snort.
Webster's New World
To expel by or as by a snort.
Webster's New World
To take (a narcotic drug) into the nose by sniffing.
Webster's New World
Origin of Snort
From Middle English snorten to snort from fnorten variant of fnoren snore
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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