Sniffle Definition
sniffled, sniffles, sniffling
sniffled, sniffles, sniffling
To sniff repeatedly, as in checking mucus running from the nose.
Webster's New World
To weep or whimper lightly with spasmodic congestion of the nose.
American Heritage
An act or sound of sniffling.
Webster's New World
A condition, such as a head cold, accompanied by congestion of the nose. Used with the.
American Heritage Medicine
the sniffles
- a condition of continual sniffling, as one resulting from a head cold or from an allergy
Webster's New World
Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Sniffle
- the sniffles
Origin of Sniffle
sniff +"Ž -le (“early modern English frequentative suffix")
From Wiktionary
Frequentative of sniff
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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