In 1833 he was appointed teacher of mathematics on board the sloop of war "Natchez," and was so engaged during a cruise along the South American coast which was continued for about two and a half years.
Ingraham (1802-1891), in command of a United States sloop-of-war, arrived at Smyrna, and threatened to attack the Austrian vessel unless Koszta were released; and as a compromise Koszta was placed in the custody of the French consul.
In 1854 Marcy had to deal with the complications growing out of the bombardment of San Juan del Norte (Greytown), Nicaragua, by the United States sloop-of-war " Cyane " for insults offered the American minister by its inhabitants and for their refusal to make restitution for damages to American property.
Ranger later captured the British sloop of war Drake off the coast of Ireland on 24 April and pillaged the British coast.
But, contrary to the course I thought he would pursue, Hillyar brought with him the Cherub sloop of war.