The Sina river, another tributary of the Bhima, flows through the Nagar and Karjat talukas.
The word is of Arabic origin, being a corruption of daras-sina`ah, house of trade or manufacture, dar, house, al, the, and sina`ah, trade, manufacture, sana`a, to make.
We might note besides that it is quoted in the Book of Adam and Eve, the Apocalypse of Moses, the Apocalypse of Paul, the anonymous work De montibus Sina et Sion, the Sibylline Oracles ii.
The observatory, which is connected with the university, stands on the summit of the Hill of the Nymphs; like the Academy, it was erected at the expense of a wealthy Greek, Baron Sina of Vienna.
From this point the line crosses the Cordillera Real through the valley of the San Juan del Oro to Suches Lake, follows the Cololo and Apolobamba ranges to the headwaters of the Sina river, and thence down that stream to the Inambari.