Simson's contributions to mathematical knowledge took the form of critical editions and commentaries on the works of the ancient geometers.
The oath of abjuration of James was another cause of division, at least till it was watered down in 1719; and by 1726 a revival of the charges of heresy against Simson, with the increase of agitation against the majority of the Assembly who supported patrons, lighted a flame which burned the slight bonds that kept the extremists in union with the kirk.
Its notes are marvellous imitations of " the most mellow, sweet-sounding flute," but the singer itself, according to Mr Simson, is " a very insignificant-looking little, greyish-coloured bird," which " always dies in captivity."
Like many other distinguished German jurists, pari passu with his professorial activity, Simson followed the judicial branch of the legal profession, and, passing rapidly through the subordinate stages of auscultator and assessor, became adviser (Rath) to the Landgericht in 1846.
Simson, bitterly disappointed at the outcome of his mission, resigned his seat in the Frankfort parliament, but in the summer of the same year was elected deputy for Konigsberg in the popular chamber of the Prussian Landtag.