Messerschmidt, editor of the best collection of Hittite texts up to date, made a tabula rasa of all systems of decipherment, asserting that only one sign out of two hundred the bisected oval, determinative of divinity - had been interpreted with any certainty; and in view of this opinion, coupled with the steady refusal of historians to apply the results of any Hittite decipherment, and the obvious lack of satisfactory verification, without which the piling of hypothesis on hypothesis may only lead further from probability, there is no choice but to suspend judgment for some time longer as to the inscriptions and all deductions drawn from them.
If students sign into Facebook from a public computer at college, they need to sign out when they are done to prevent the next person from gaining access to their friends and information.
First, sign out of any applications you might use in conjunction with your Facebook account, such as Facebook Connect and the applications that update Facebook automatically from Twitter.
It may only be the equivalent of hanging a digital sign out over the information superhighway, letting people know that you and your services exist.