These powers of the mind, or "siddhi," should never be sought for their own sake, or be used for selfish purposes.
He thus made it possible for the half-converted and rude tribes to remain Buddhists while they brought offerings, and even bloody offerings, to these more congenial shrines, and while their practical belief had no relation at all to the Truths or the Noble Eightfold Path, but busied itself almost wholly with obtaining magic powers (Siddhi), by means of magic phrases (Dhdrani), and magic circles (Mandala).
Bhang, the Hindustani siddhi or sabzi, consists of the dried leaves and small stalks of the hemp; a few fruits occur in it.
Kansas Siddhi Yoga is located at 1120 Main St. in Blue Springs, MO, and their phone number is (866) 222-9555.