Thanks to its two stars, plus the best slapstick since I Love Lucy, Laverne & Shirley became a Tuesday night institution.
I was a close ally of its founders, especially the charismatic Shirley Williams and the organizational supremo of the right, Bill Rodgers.
Of his relations with his brother-authors little is known; it was natural that he should exchange complimentary verses with James Shirley, and that he should join in the chorus of laments over the death of Ben Jonson.
The Fairies and Queen positively radiating a magical light Sports Day Presentation 1950 Holgate won the cup, and Shirley was in Form II.
Shirley with Massachusetts troops also took part in the Oswego expedition of 1755; and Massachusetts proposed, and lent the chief assistance in the expedition of Nova Scotia in 1755 which ended in the removal of the Acadians.