The shepherds are rustics of the Colin Clout type, and discuss the follies and corruptions around them.
Next to Stanley the most important place on East Falkland is Darwin on Choiseul Sound - a village of Scottish shepherds and a station of the Falkland Island Company.
Misphragmuthosis worsted the "Shepherds" and shut them up in Avaris; and his son Thutmosis, failing to capture the stronghold, allowed them to depart; whereupon they went forth, 240,000 in number, established themselves in Judea and built Jerusalem.
He 's one of Laius ' most trustworthy shepherds.
It contains a fine "Annunciation" by Titian (1519), an important "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Paris Bordone (born at Treviso in 1500), and frescoes by Pordenone.