Termites rear sharp pointed " hills," often over 20 ft.
First two premolars with compressed and sharp-pointed crowns, and slightly developed anterior and posterior accessory basal cusps.
The two lower incisors are long, very slender, sharp-pointed and horizontally placed.
The true balsam poplar, or tacamahac, P. balsamifera, abundant in most parts of Canada and the northern States, is a tree of rather large growth, often of somewhat fastigiate habit, with round shoots and oblong-ovate sharp-pointed leaves, the base never cordate, the petioles round, and the disk deep glossy green above but somewhat downy below.
The actual cutting of the coal is chiefly performed by manual labour, the tool employed being a sharp-pointed double-armed pick, which is nearly straight, except when required for use in hard rock, when the arms are made with an « „ inclination or anchored.