Havundersiigelser, Serie Hydrografi (Copenhagen 1904-20), contain important papers; the publications of the university of California (Zoology) deal with the work of the Scripps Inst.
Paschen " Haupt serie," " ist Nebenserie," " 2nd Nebenserie," which is commonly translated " Principal series," "First subordinate series," " Second subordinate series."
In the latter case, the first preparations were according to the I See Victor Loret, "Les flutes egyptiennes antiques," Journal Asiatique, 8eme serie, tome xiv., Paris, 1889, pp. 129, 130 and 132.
His valedictory thesis at the Ecole des Chartes, Serie chronologique des gardiens et seigneurs des Iles Normandes (1876), was a definitive work and but slightly affected by later research.
Swete, in Journal of Theological Studies (April 1903); P. Batiffol, Etudes d'histoire et de theologie positive, premiere serie (4th ed., Paris, 1906).