It was found that to achieve this result the transmitter must be so constructed as to send out prolonged trains of slightly damped waves.
When electric oscillations are set up in these two classes of electric radiators, the first class send out a highly damped wave train and the second a feeble damped wave train provided that they have sufficient capacity or energy storage and low resistance.
Before the Roman legions were sent into a new region to extend the limits of the empire, it was usual to send out exploring expeditions to report as to the nature of the country.
After Cromwell's death, the officers, having determined to recall the "Rump" Parliament, assembled at Lenthall's house at the Rolls (6th May 1659), to desire him to send out the writs.
Lammasch and his ministers shared their official premises peacefully with the new secretaries of state of the Austrian Republic, and his last official act was to send out posters with an appeal for peace and quiet.