In each case their " loneliness " is largely self-imposed.
According to their website, although they don't have to meet any U.S. Food & Drug Administration guidelines regarding sodium, they state "we maintain a self-imposed guideline to ensure great taste and good health..."
Our self-imposed prohibition against pursuing our tips once given limited our learning which sources produced the best results.
F His point was that there are no things in themselves different from minds or acting on them; that man is no product of things; nor does his thinking arise from passive sensations caused by things; nor is the end of his existence attainable in a world of things; but that he is the absolute free activity constructing his own world, which is only his own determination, his self-imposed limit, and means to his duty which allies him with God.
About 1350 she went to Rome, partly to obtain from the pope the authorization of the new order, partly in pursuance of her self-imposed mission to elevate the moral tone of the age.