That is a temperate and righteous love which practices self-denial in order to minister to a brother 's necessity.
With the growth of the Oxford Movement in the English Church, the practice of observing Lent was revived; and, though no rules for fasting are authoritatively laid down, the duty of abstinence is now very generally inculcated by bishops and clergy, either as a discipline or as an exercise in self-denial.
He had a vision of a political economy based not on selfishness but on love, not on desire but on self-denial.
The main goal of the session is to break through self-denial barriers and diversion that family victims have been practicing, and to make the addict aware of the impact their addiction is having on their loved ones and significant others.
In the temperate zone, where the seasons are sharply contrasted, but follow each other with regularity, foresight and self-denial were fostered, because if men did not exercise these qualities seed-time or harvest might pass into lost opportunities and the tribes would suffer.