The lower officers of the forest, who held merely local appointments, were the verderers, the regarders (one of whose duties was that of seeing to the expeditation of "great dogs"), the foresters, the woodwards and the agisters.
After seeing to the publication of this instalment of Tristram and of another set of sermons - more pronouncedly Shandean in their eccentricity - he quitted England again in the summer of 1765, and tavelled in Italy as far as Naples.
Like Oscar Wilde being given a good seeing to by Monty Python wearing a sombrero.
Hearing that cry and seeing to whom it was addressed, Nesvitski and the neighbor on his right quickly turned in alarm to Bezukhov.
A stick on pair of bifocals could make seeing to read in them easier-and you still get to wear the style you'd like as long as there is enough room in the lenses for bifocals.