The longbow here scored its first victory in a pitched battle.
He had scored once, in his junior year, producing one-third of his team's production in a 13-to-3 lapper for Easton High.
All Rostov's cards were beaten and he had eight hundred rubles scored up against him.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or " green hills," characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the superficial deposits are removed, the underlying rocks are found to be scored and smoothed by ice-action, and whole mountain-sides in the south and west have been similarly moulded during the Glacial epoch.
The crowd let out a loud cheer when their teamscored the game-winning point.