He died in 1459, and was buried in the, church of Santa Croce.
The main range is continued eastward by the lofty summits known as Mount Adelphi (5305 ft.), Papoutsa(5124)and Machaira or Chionia (4674), until it ends in the somewhat isolated peak called Santa Croce (Stavrovouni or Oros Stavro), the Hill of the Holy Cross (2260 ft.).
He was buried in the church of the Santa Croce at Florence by the side of Michelangelo.
The most remarkable of these is that by Francis Quignonez, cardinal of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (1536), which, though not accepted by Rome,' formed the model for the still more thorough reform made in 1549 by the Church of England, whose daily morning and evening services are but a condensation and simplification of the Breviary offices.
He has been a professor and is past rector of Opus Dei's Santa Croce University in Rome.