The lower course of the Desaguadero is known as the Salado because of the .brackish character of its water.
The largest of the rivers through which Argentina drains into the Plata system are the Pilcomayo, which rises in Bolivia and flows south-east along the Argentine frontier for about 400 m.; the Bermejo, which rises on the northern frontier and flows south-east into the Paraguay; and the Salado del Norte (called Rio del Juramento in its upper course), which rises on the high mountain slopes of western Salta and flows south-east into the Parana.
Other river ports, of less importance, are Concordia on the Uruguay river, San Nicolas and Campana on the Parana river, Santa Fe on the Salado, a few miles from the Parana, the city of Parana on the Parana river, and Gualeguay on the Gualeguay river.
There are many rivers and streams, notably the Salado, Pesqueria and Presas, but none is navigable within the state, though many furnish good water power.
The rival party then called in the Spaniards, by whom Arouj was expelled and slain while fleeing at the Rio Salado.