Zenobia seems to have ruled on hehalf of her young son Wahab-allath or Athenodorus as the name is Graecized, who counts the years of his reign from the date of his father's death.
During the greater part of the period between 1130 and 11 54 the policy of Damascus was guided by the vizier Muin eddin Anar, who ruled on behalf of the descendants of the atabeg Tughtigin.
The resolving power in the case of gratings is simply mn, where m is the order of spectrum used, and n the total number of lines ruled on the grating.
Causes of They were bound to recur as long as the kings who the ruled on this side of the Channel were possessed of Hundred continental dominions, which lay as near, or nearer, to their hearts than their insular realm.
It was written with fairly broad nibs held parallel to the double guide lines ruled on the page.