Louis left behind him a declaration complaining of the treatment which he had received and revoking his assent to all measures which had been laid before him while under restraint.
In 354 B.C. Demosthenes composed and spoke the oration "Against Leptines," who had effected a slender saving for the state by the expedient of revoking those hereditary exemptions from taxation which had at various times been conferred in recognition of distinguished merit.
The crown always retains complete control over the company by reserving to itself the power of revoking the charter in case of the neglect of its stipulations.
In France, Louis was proving his own despotic ways by revoking the edict of Nantes which had allowed the Huguenots some toleration.
A freezing order or an order amending or revoking one may also include supplementary, incidental, saving or transitional provisions.