Restraining Order Definition

A court order preventing a certain action from being taken until a full hearing can be held as to whether that action should be enjoined.
American Heritage
A court order demanding cessation of a specified activity; specif., such an order demanding that a person stop bothering or harassing another.
Webster's New World
A temporary restraining order (T.R.O.); a restraining order is always temporary, because it is ordered without a hearing. This distinguishes it from an injunction. A court order issued to prevent a family member or other party from harassing, threatening, harming, seizing the property of, and sometimes even approaching or having any kind of contact with another; a court order issued to temporarily prevent a transfer of property, pending a hearing.
Webster's New World Law

(law) An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions, usually banning the possession of arms.


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