He was condemned first to be broken on the wheel and then beheaded; but, reprieved on the scaffold, his sentence was commuted to lifelong banishment, with his whole family, to Berezov in Siberia, where he died six years later.
Tandy remained in prison till April 1801, when he was tried, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to death; he was, however, reprieved and allowed to go to France.
Condemned to death, but reprieved through the intervention of the British minister, he remained a prisoner at Naples and at Favignana until 1860, when he joined Garibaldi at Palermo.
In the following year he so stubbornly resisted Ireton's attack on Limerick that he was excepted from the benefit of the capitulation, and, after being condemned to death and reprieved, was sent as a prisoner to the Tower of London.
Recently reprieved from closure, the Zoo has two lovely rooms for your Wedding Ceremony.