When repotting is adopted as a temporary expedient, as in the case of bedding-out plants which it is required to push forward as much as possible, it will suffice if provision is made to prevent the drainage hole from getting blocked, and a rich light compost is provided for the encouragement of the roots.
The best time for a general repotting of ferns is in spring, just before growth commences.
Watch the plants that have been plunged out of doors, and see if any require repotting.
Corydalis cashmeriana In log 28 I was repotting a fish box trough of corydalis cashmeriana In log 28 I was repotting a fish box trough of Corydalis cashmeriana and made it into two troughs.
This works well for trees grown in pots too, but you may not have enough space for the larger pot and the increased topgrowth that results from repotting.