He accepted, however, the Republican nomination as vice-president on a ticket headed by General Grant, and was elected; but he failed in 1872 to secure renomination.
When the Democratic national convention met at Cincinnati in June 1856, Pierce was an avowed candidate for renomination, but as his attitude on the slavery question, and especially his subserviency to the South in supporting the pro-slavery party in the Territory of Kansas, had lost him the support of the Northern wing of his party, the nomination went to James Buchanan.
Many Southern leaders desired his renomination by the Democratic party in 1860, but he received such suggestions with disfavour.
The same year, as presidential elector, Murphy gave Wilson support, and in 1916 approved his renomination.
In 1842 he declined a renomination to the state legislature and attempted unsuccessfully to secure a nomination to Congress.