Rees's result is 20.47"; Doolittle's, from 20.46" to 20.56".
Rees in 1871 produced the sterile thallus of a Collema from its constituents; later Stahl did the same for three species.
In the middle of the r9th century William Rees of Tonn published at Llandovery many important works dealing with early Welsh history and archaeology.
William Godwin was educated for his father's profession at Hoxton Academy, where he was under Andrew Kippis the biographer and Dr Abraham Rees of the Cyclopaedia, and was at first more Calvinistic than his teachers, becoming a Sande manian, or follower of John Glas, whom he describes as "a celebrated north-country apostle who, after Calvin had damned ninety-nine in a hundred of mankind, has contrived a scheme for damning ninety-nine in a hundred of the followers of Calvin."
In 1867 Rees Reece, taking advantage of the fact that two vapours of different boiling-points, when mixed, can be separated by means of fractional condensation, brought out an absorption machine in which the distillate was very nearly anhydrous.