A dowry is always given, and a simple marriage ceremony performed by afiki (a schoolmaster, or one who recites the Koran, properly one learned in fiqh, Mahommedan law) in the presence of two witnesses.
From the mosque the procession goes to a private house, where a mullah recites the story of the martyrdom.
The bishop kneels before the king, places his hands between his, and recites an oath of temporal allegiance; he then kisses hands.
Then at last comes the real subject of the poem, usually the panegyric of some man of influence or wealth to whom the poet has come in hope of reward and before whom he recites the poem.
Camden, writing about 1590, says, " Leeds is rendered wealthy by its woollen manufactures," and the incorporation charter of 1626 recites that " the inhabitants have for a long time exercised the art of making cloth."