Those of them who lived on the outskirts of the pacified territory adopted a mode of life similar to that of their hereditary opponents, and constituted a peculiar class known as Cossacks, living more by flocks and The h e rds and by marauding expeditions than by a ri y g p ?'
Then, taking (2/3)rds of the cubit, or (1/6)th of the orguia, as a foot, the Greeks arrived at their foot of 12.14; this, though very well known in literature, is but rarely found, and then generally in the form of the cubit, in monumental measures.
He is credited by Ptolemy and his commentator Theon with having found the distance between the tropics to be ---j rds.
From my experience the RDS tuner in the unit in the dash suffers from heat related problems.
Wrapped up in one small, sexy case, you'll find a powerful amplifier, top quality CD player and RDS tuner.