He was quarrelsome and unruly.
The new king at Paris was a young boy, whose councils were swayed by a knot of quarrelsome and selfish uncles; the vigour of the attack on England began to slacken.
Up to the time of his nomination for the presidency, the biographer of Jackson finds nothing to record but military exploits in which he displayed perseverance, energy and skill of a very high order, and a succession of personal acts in which he showed himself ignorant, violent, perverse, quarrelsome and astonishingly indiscreet.
From all accounts he was a man of very disagreeable character, conceited and quarrelsome.
None of these was more quarrelsome than Napper Tandy, who was exceedingly conceited, and habitually drunken; his vanity was wounded to find himself of less account than Tone in the councils of the conspirators.