The 72nd canon ordains that " no minister or ministers shall, without licence and direction of the bishop under hand and seal, appoint or keep any solemn fasts, either publicly or in any private houses, other than such as by law are or by public authority shall be appointed, nor shall be wittingly present at any of them under pain of suspension for the first fault, of excommunication for the second, and of deposition from the ministry for the third."
They were the only semblance of a public authority presence outside the Boroughs.
In 1835, with the title of governor and captain general, he acquired dictatorial powers, and all public authority passed into his hands.
However, it is evident from the letters of appanage, dated April 1771, in favour of the count of Provence, how many functions of public authority an appanaged person still held.
For many years proposals to amalgamate the working of the companies and displace them by a central public authority were put forward from time to time.