In group 2, prospectively analyzed, were 14 patients treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy and concurrent taxol.
In group 2, prospectively analyzed, were 14 patients treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy and concurrent Taxol.
Subsequently it was discovered that this obligation pressed heavily upon the resources of the native state, and in 1832 the pecuniary equivalent for Anjar, both prospectively and inclusive of the arrears which had accrued to that date, was wholly remitted by the British government.
The east group includes the fields of Canyon City (whose product is the ideal domestic coal of the western states), Raton and the South Platte; the Park group includes the Cones field and the Middle Park; the west group includes the Yampa, La Plata and Grand River fields - the last prospectively (not yet actually) the most valuable of all as to area and quality.