Proscribe Definition

proscribed, proscribes, proscribing
proscribed, proscribes, proscribing
To denounce or condemn.
American Heritage
In ancient Rome, to publish the name of (a person) condemned to death, banishment, etc.
Webster's New World
To denounce or forbid the practice, use, etc. of; interdict.
Webster's New World
To banish; exile.
Webster's New World
To deprive of the protection of the law; outlaw.
Webster's New World

Origin of Proscribe

  • Middle English proscriben from Latin prōscrībere to put up someone's name as outlawed prō- in front pro–1 scrībere to write skrībh- in Indo-European roots

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

  • Middle English proscriben from Latin prōscrībere to put up someone's name as outlawed prō- in front pro–1 scrībere to write skrībh- in Indo-European roots

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition


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