The Fathers of the Church had repeated times without number that the priesthood stands above even the supreme secular authority; the Bible was full of stories most aptly illustrating this theory; nobody questioned that, within the Church, the pope was the Vicar of Christ, and that, as such, his powers were unlimited; as proof positive could be cited councils and decretals - whether authentic or spurious; at any rate all authorized by long usage and taken as received authorities.
In fact, this error of the author alone is proof positive that he must have lived at a very late period, when the record of most of the earlier historical events had become hopelessly confused and perverted.
This is proof positive of all the lies we've ever been told about the great nuclear white elephant.
This is proof positive of all the lies we 've ever been told about the great nuclear white elephant.
Her long list of nominations as well as her long list of awards is proof positive that Ellen Page is a talented actress.