The Prussian diet of 1862 was no whit more tractable than its predecessor, but fell to attacking the prof essional army and advocating the extension of the militia (Landwchr) system; on the 11th of March the king dissolved it in disgust, whereupon the Liberal ministry resigned, and was succeeded by the Conservative cabinet of Prince Hohenlohe.
The Caps struck at once at the weak point of their opponents by ordering a budget report to be made; and it was speedily found that the whole financial system of the Hats had been based upon reckless improvidence and c prof the wilful misrepresentation, and that the only fruit of their long rule was an enormous addition to the national debt and a depreciation of the note circulation to onethird of its face value.
He continued his work, however, as a High Anglican controversialist until he had published, in 1841, Tract 90, the last of the series, in which he put forth, as a kind of prof charge, to test the tenability of all Catholic doctrine within the Church of England, a detailed examination of the XXXIX.
The BGS welcomed its new President, Dr. Jeremy Playfer, into post and bid adieu to Prof Bob Stout.
At precisely the same moment, in London, Prof Von Hagans began the first public autopsy for 170 years.