From this time he continued to pour forth a number of critical writings on literature, art, &c. His bold ideas on these subjects, which were a great advance even on Lessing's doctrines, naturally excited hostile criticism, and in consequence of this opposition, which took the form of aspersions on his religious orthodoxy, he resolved to leave Riga.
The natural song of the canary is loud and clear; and in their native groves the males, especially during the pairing season, pour forth their song with such ardour as sometimes to burst the delicate vessels of the throat.
Pools pour forth a cool torrent of living water.
Millions will pour forth from there"--he pointed to the merchants' hall--"but our business is to supply men and not spare ourselves...
Establish and set aright the scepters of kingdoms, subdue the nations, and pour forth peace upon the ends of the earth.