Powerful as a comic playwright, he was not a poet in the proper sense of the term.
Our knowledge of the life of the celebrated Latin playwright, Publius Terentius Afer, is derived chiefly from a fragment of the lost work of Suetonius, De viris illustribus, preserved in the commentary of Donatus, who adds a few words of his own.
Her husband distinguished himself both as actor and playwright, and his Parisien (1682) gave Mme Guerin one of her greatest successes.
A later playwright, James Hurdis, made More's career the subject of a play in 1792.
Thomas Corneille himself, who to his undoubted talents united wonderful facility, untiring industry, and (gift valuable above all others to the playwright) an extraordinary knack of hitting the public fancy, died, notwithstanding his simple tastes, "as poor as Job."