On the 9th of April their main body of six corps crossed the Inn between Braunau and Passau, and simultaneously two additional corps moved from Pilsen in Bohemia on Regensburg.
Zizka, who disapproved of this compromise, left Prague and retired to Plzen (Pilsen).
Other towns of importance in the republic are Brno (Briinn), with 200,000 inhabitants, the capital of Moravia, and the centre of an old established and flourishing textile industry; Plzen (Pilsen) with 10o,000 inhabitants, famous for its beer and as the seat of the Skoda iron works; Kosice (Kaschau), the commercial centre of eastern Slovakia; and UThorod (Ungvar), the capital of Russinia.
Aeroplanes are made at Prague and Plzen (Pilsen).
From this time the town remained faithful to the royal cause, and in 1547 was granted by the emperor Ferdinand the privilege of ranking at the diet next to Prague and Pilsen.