From a distance, the multitude of its gardens, and the turrets and metal-plated or gilded cupolas of its many churches give Bucharest a certain picturesqueness.
The prospect from the ramparts of this fortress is one of striking picturesqueness and beauty.
His work, which extends from 1591 (1000) to 1659 (Iwo), contrasts strongly with that of the earlier historian, being written with great directness and lucidity, combined with much vigour and picturesqueness.
Drummond (1854-1907) Stand In A Class By Themselves, Between English And French Canadian Literature, Presenting The Simple Life Of The Habitant With Unique Humour, And Picturesqueness.
Nearly all its old industries - the coal mines, salt works, linen manufacture, and even the making of iron girdles for the baking of scones - have dwindled, but its pleasant climate and picturesqueness make it a holiday resort.