He also delivered lectures, which were republished in his Philosophic des Lebens (1828) and in his Philosophie der Geschichte (1829).
Land (1891-1893, for which a recently discovered MS. was consulted); see also the same editor's Arnold Geulincx and seine Philosophie (1895), and article (translated) in Mind, xvi.
Lassalle, Die Philosophie Herakleitos, p. 126.
Undeterred by the offence which these works gave to his ecclesiastical superiors, he published in 1858 the Einleitung in die Philosophie and Grundriss der Metaphysik, in which he assailed the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas, that philosophy was the handmaid of theology.
This was continued in the Grundprincip der Philosophie (1845-1846), which also gives his speculative position.