Certain of his poems, moreover, - for example, " To Mary," " The Receipt of my Mother's Portrait," and the ballad " On the Loss of the Royal George," - will, it may safely be affirmed, continue to be familiar to each successive generation in a way that pertains to few things in literature.
Exquisite as he is in his special mode of execution, he undoubtedly falls far short, not only of his great naturalist contemporaries such as 1Vlasaccio and Lippo Lippi, but even of so distant a precursor as Giotto, in all that pertains to bold or life-like invention of a subject or the realization of ordinary appearances, expressions and actions - the facts of nature, as distinguished from the aspirations or contemplations of the spirit.
The new rule pertains to file permissions.
Naturally I love peace and hate war and all that pertains to war; I see nothing admirable in the ruthless career of Napoleon, save its finish.
In his classification it was included in the same genus as the orang-utan; and it has recently been suggested that the name Simia pertains of right to the chimpanzee rather than to the orang-utan.