Capital punishment was abolished in 1877, penal servitude for life being substituted.
When then on July 21 Draskovic was murdered by a young Bosnian Communist, Parliament resolved on reprisals, and io days later passed by 190 to 54 laws of extraordinary severity for "the Defence of the State," terrorist agitation being made punishable by death, prolonged penal servitude or heavy fines.
A conditional pardon most commonly occurs where an offender sentenced to death has his sentence commuted to penal servitude or any less punishment.
The punishment for the offence is penal servitude for life or not less than three years, or imprisonment for not more than two years.
In England, moreover, which, if not the first to adopt separation in principle, certainly gave the largest effect to it in practice, continuous cellular confinement for short terms is ceasing to be the inevitable rule; and although it has been retained in cases of penal servitude for the first six months, it was in 1899 practically abandoned for lesser sentences, and all prisoners after the first month work together in association under surveillance.