An act was passed by the Spanish legislature in 1870, providing that every slave who had then passed, or should thereafter pass, the age of sixty should be at once free, and that all yet unborn children of slaves should also be free.
Specifically, a virus or bug passed to a pig is considered a huge threat in the medical community, because pigs can pass their diseases onto humans.
As they passed the plowed pullout for the cutoff to Engineer pass, they were reminded of the past June and their mountain-camping honeymoon, up this road and into Poughkeepsie Gulch.
The cluster of 12 riders who passed him further up the mountain was now about to pass the other rider.
Either house may pass a vote of no confidence in the government, and in practice the government resigns in face of the passing of such a vote by the deputies, but not if it is passed by the Senate only.