In 1889 an important step towards federation was taken by Sir Henry Parkes.
Sir Henry Parkes was elected president, and he moved a series of resolutions embodying the principles necessary to establish, on an enduring foundation, the structure of a federal government.
The Parkes Museum of the Sanitary Institute is in Margaret Street.
They contain, in loo parts without husks, nitrogenous substances 22.7, fat 3.76, starch 63.18, mineral matters 2.6 parts, with water (Forbes Watson, quoted in Parkes's Hygiene).
Of mechanically rabbling furnaces we may mention the O'Harra modified by Allen-Brown, the Hixon, the KellerGaylord-Cole, the Ropp, the Spence, the Wethey, the Parkes, Pearce's " Turret " and Brown's " Horseshoe " furnaces.