The copper money was in pieces of a nominal value of 40, 20, TO, 5 and i paras, 40 paras being equal to 1 piastre.
The fff of a piastre is popularly called a para and the native population generally reckon in paras.
The monetary unit is the dinar (franc) of loo paras (centimes).
In circulation there are gold pieces of 10 and 20 dinars; silver of 50 paras, and I, 2 and 5 dinars; nickel of 5, 10 and 20 paras; and bronze of 2 paras.
The prediction in question was doubtless added by Ezekiel after the event; the code belongs precisely in his time, and the constitution was natural for a priest; Noah, Daniel and Job are old legendary Hebrew figures; and it is not probable that the prophet's " Paras " is our " Persia."