In other Entoprocta the buds on a horseshoe retain a high degree of individuality, a shaped l o p h o - thread-like stolon giving off the cylindrical phore; stalks, each of which dilates at its end i, Ectocyst; into the body of a zooid.
The small eyes are some- T y p h l o p s bra- times covered by transparent shields.
More generally, if we have obtained a as an approximate value for the pth root of N, the binomial theorem gives as an approximate formula p,IN =a+6, where N = a P + pap - 19.
If the equation of this line, referred to new coordinate axes in the plane area, is written xcos a+y sin a - h=o, (3) R = f f p(h - x cos a - y sin a)dxdy, (4) zR= f fpx(h - xcos a - y sin a)dxdy, (5) yR = f f py(h - x cos a - y sin a)dxdy.
If we know p and N, n is called the pth root of N, so that n is the second (or square) root of n 2, the third (or cube) root of n 3, the fourth root of n 4,.